Live Stream Announcement for the Boilerplate Development (and more!)
What’s up, fellow Full Cycle Developers!

Dates for the live streams are here!
The waiting time is over! Finally, I can pick up livestreaming again!
Dates are below, the first one is already tomorrow!
Short personal note for those that have not been following much lately:
I moved to a bigger home with my family and kids, where we have double the living space and, most importantly for you, a dedicated office space for myself.
This means, that I have access to a quiet and focused environment, whenever I feel the need for it. So I can stream whenever desired, and I have available time (I’m still running two businesses).
For the upcoming week, I can lock in two dates for live streams, with more subject to what the week brings:
Monday, 8 April: starting from 9:00 CEST
Thursday, 11 April: starting from 9:00 CEST
Tip: Use a world time clock to see it in your local time.
Location: Twitch (
Note: I’ve updated my Twitch username (from dacx) to match the names used elsewhere.
I understand that the time zone might be difficult for some. VoDs will be available on YouTube for everyone to watch later.
The main topic will be the research and design for the ultimate django boilerplate. We will talk about the overall process and how to think when designing software intended to be used by a lot of people.
There were quite a few people that answered the previous call about requirements. We will go over those requirements and I will show you how I use them to shape a product.
I promise that I will heavily interact with the viewers. If you have any questions (development, business, personal, etc.), please ask them and I will answer them to the best of my abilities.
Help me build an audience
I love streaming for just 5 people. The more viewers we have, the more input from you guys. The more input, the better the content.
Therefore, if you have any friends that might be interested, or are part of any communities that allow sharing/promoting, please let them know about Full Cycle Developers, the upcoming live streams and what we’ve achieved so far.
Talk to you soon on the live stream!