FCD Community Project #1: Vote for your favorite!

The Full Cycle Dev community has grown by over 250 discord members over the last day. To celebrate, we'll go full cycle on a community suggested SaaS product idea. And every one of you gets to vote!

Over the last day, we grew by a lot of members and suggestions for the first project were posted in the discord channel.

I took the liberty of curating the suggestions and to summarize them in this post. Some important and often-needed features will definitely be included in the first project, while we decided to hold a vote on the more specific topics.

Community project #1 will likely be done and streamed on Friday, Nov 10th, pending some availability checks. Make sure to follow on Twitter/X to be notified!

black computer keyboard

We will cover the following areas as a basis, in order:

  1. Setting up the code base, with django, PostgreSQL, redis, celery and more. All in docker.

  2. User registration, verification emails

  3. Adding everything to version control, github in this case.

  4. Launching locally and explaining the generated stack.

  5. Renting a Virtual Private Server (VPS), and setting that up.

  6. Configuring a domain to point to the server.

  7. Deploying the web app to the VPS.

  8. Setting up CI/CD to automatically re-deploy on pushes/merge on main branch.

  9. Social logins with Google

  10. … winners of the poll below in descending order

    1. We will start with the poll winner.

    2. Depending on time left, we will also cover the other options.

Option #1: Ticketing system

  • Support ticket system (suggested by turmiosieni)

    • allowing users to create a ticket

    • users and admins can reply and manage the ticket

Option #2: Billing/payment system

  • billing and payment processing (suggested by ace#2814 and magnusra)

    • integrating stripe, evaluating whether to use

      • the 1st party stripe SDK

      • a 3rd party SDK

      • stripe checkout with callbacks

    • adding a credit card as payment method

    • buying products and managing subscriptions

Option #3: Renting/order management system

  • User story without concrete requirements (suggested by BoredAIAnimal)

  • I’ll just post their words here as quote. The first step will be breaking this down into smaller requirements.

Option #4: Snowplowing P2P system

  • Connect customers and providers (suggested by turmiosieni)

  • providers can offer their services, and manage requests

  • clients can request these services

  • rating system

  • billing system from option #2


or to participate.